Angels in Uniforms, Unparalleled Strength
"They go up in uniform. They are warriors, they are the angels that sanctify life."
Israel celebrates Yom HaZikaron (Memorial Day) followed by Yom Hatzmaut (Independence Day) this week. The dichotomy is special; on Yom HaZikaron, known as the saddest day of the year, we honor those who gave their lives for the country (fallen soldiers are literally called kedoshim, which correctly translates to “holy ones” or “those who sanctify”). The very next day Yom Hatzmaut is celebrated, a festive day where we recognize the miracle of the modern State of Israel, a 2,000-year-old dream realized.
This year will be different, though, as both days are celebrated amidst the single-day largest loss of life (and creation of kedoshim) in the state’s history - during a war that some call the second Independence War.
Many fell, many remain captive, and even more heroes emerged…
I’ve never been scared to speak to anyone. Not presidents. Not celebrities. Not billionaires. No one.
And there I stood, facing the most intimidating people in the world. I couldn’t say anything.
Who were they?
One was a mother.
A mother who has woken up the last 218 days and counting holding her breath, waiting to exhale when her son returns home in peace.
Another was a woman my age.
Standing with the support of two crutches, not long ago she lay hidden under a pile of garbage, shot, quietly repeating Shema Yisrael, as her partner lay murdered next to her.
The last was a teenager.
A precious soul who was locked afraid in her safe room as her father, uncle, grandparents, and countless other friends and family were slaughtered, kidnapped, or seriously maimed for the simple fact that they were Jewish.
Three women that I couldn’t even muster a simple “hi” to, yet I had to ask them about the opening of a museum exhibit they starred in, where they stood firmly telling their stories that no one should forget.
I cried watching them tell it. And as they stood in front of me, stronger than I’ll ever be, I couldn’t say anything.
According to leading psychologists, everyone in the Land of Israel is suffering from trauma in the aftermath of the brutal terror attack by Hamas on Simchat Torah. Given that the war is still raging - with soldiers dying daily and hostage release talks coming and going - the trauma persists. Because of this, there still is no post-trauma. Just daily reminders that life wasn’t as it was.
So much more so for those brave three women, who - I pray I’m wrong - may never know peace again.
As the days and months pass, and the seemingly never-ending war continues, it’s incumbent on us to keep telling the stories of these brave women, and those like them.
Sick people like those we see dominating campuses and streets the world over wish to deny the murder, rape, and brutality that happened - but we cannot let their voices prevail.
Backwards thinking “leaders” who place their political priorities (or are flat-out Jew haters) above indisputable morality.
As the exhibition opening is called - From Darkness to Light - it is certain that Light will prevail. It always has and it always will.
But until then, we must continue to find the cracks of Light that emerge within our daily darkness, looking to peace, and above all, to have the strength that those three women have. I pray.
Forever saluting and remembering those who gave their lives so we can live ours, and wishing those in Israel and beyond a Yom Hatzmaut Sameach.
Thanks for your email. I liked a part of being afraid and not afraid.
För me it is still not clear whether Jewish people care about money more than about values.
So far it has been like chain in algorithm mostly ending or left as last , money...or trading in values
Give you algorithms of three of my Jewish friends of past, 1 male ( it's not you) and 2 females
Beauty > excitement> desire >wishfulness >negletion> selfishness> explosiveness >robustness> shortsighted> holier than you> segregationist
Exceptionalist>friendship>selfishness>weekness>primitive>egoistic>expert >protective manipulative >lonely> money
3. female
Beauty> not truthful>prostitution> friendly >selfish> manipulative >emotional >ignorant> false> system loving
I wonted to put " trustworthy" some thoughts was in line but it did not hold a long term credibility check.
For me it is important, and I believe for many other too
Best regards
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